The Harvard African Expedition, Book 2: October 6, 1926


Loring Whitman




Wed Oct 6th Stayed in bed all morning while Hal skinned a mongoose. It was raining so I didn’t really object. My temp was do to normal but I was on a restricted diet. I wrote a bit in my diary and roughly checked up our position on the map by Shattucks compass readings. After lunch I got up and took life easy and about 430 wandered over the Mr. Taylors where Hal was taking notes on the animals of Liberia as I have know them by Mr. Taylor. We sat there for about an hour and a half asking questions, etc.

            I have made a list of Liberian names for their animals some of which are quite amusing.


Racoon = civet

Bush cat’s = Genet ?

Tiger cat = Golden cat ?

Tiger = Cheetah

Bush dog = Mongoose

Bush hog = pig

Rhino = big hippo

Sea cow = piquay “

Alligator = long nose Croc.

Crocodile = short “ “

Elk, Reindeer } = Bongo

Red deer = Bush buck

Bush goats = Black Duiker

Black buck = Red “ “

Gazelle, fullatongu } = Maxwells “

Jack = Royal Antelope

Antbear = Pangolin

Water deer = Chevrotain

Bush cow = Buffalo

Antelope = {all black, all grey – very big

Wild jackass = Harnessed antelope

Beaver = Otter


And then after supper we went to bed early – 






Loring Whitman, “The Harvard African Expedition, Book 2: October 6, 1926,” A Liberian Journey: History, Memory, and the Making of a Nation, accessed May 16, 2024,