The Harvard African Expedition Book 1: August 16, 1926


Loring Whitman




                  Mon Aug 16th  When I got in yesterday I discovered to my chagrin that one of my trunk s- with all my clothes, cards, medicines, watches, knives, writing cases etc had fallen into a river and was full of water. As one of the corner catches was loose I cannot blame the trunk – but everything was soaked. Even my little safe box with passports, odd photos & watch had 1/2” of water in it. I got everything out and spread it over the countryside – or rather in the house for it was showering outside. And all the time I turned things over or fanned them to keep them from mildewing and spoiling.

                  During the morning the chief came in and we started arranging for porters. We decided to get as many men as we could and push them ahead with Dunbar two days to Memmeh’s town – where there is a road commissioner and fresh porters – Walker promised us 100 Road men for thursday – to be paid 1/6 each per day for two days but to him in person – He also said he would try to get other carriers to swell the load & to send back to Lango town to help move up here. These were to be paid 1/ per day in person. So far so good. But as he gazed over our slowly mildewing outfit his desires grew and he would point at a pair of Dr. Strongs boots, “Give me boots”. Or seeing my little safe box “Can I have that.” I offered him a cigarette and he took 6. So it went – everything he saw he wanted – and everything he wanted he asked for – but did not get. He did get some gin however.

                  In the afternoon we continued to dry stuff and later took a short walk to see what the country offered. I let Dunbar have the 20 guage and told him to get me some birds to skin – which he did – a weaver bird and a bush shrike. Just as I finished the first he brought in a cuckoo which I promptly worked on finishing just about dark. In the evening a nice moon came out so I sat out in front of our establishment & smoked the pipe of peace






Loring Whitman, “The Harvard African Expedition Book 1: August 16, 1926,” A Liberian Journey: History, Memory, and the Making of a Nation, accessed May 11, 2024,