The Harvard African Expedition, Book 2: October 3, 1926


Loring Whitman




Sun Oct 3rd. We got up at 600 Had breakfast and packed For we are returning to tappi. Our audience was present – the first morning audience we have had – and I guess they realized it might be the last change to see a white man. But by the time we let it was mostly dispersed. The trip down was very pleasant and cool. We saw where the elephants had crossed but a heavy rain last night had blured them a bit. I took a photo of them in the misty morning light but they probably wont be very good. Later on One track was 8” across another one – the largest about 15 ½”. Later on I shot a new kind of fly catcher and a green pigeon to work on when we got in. At the town near tappi Hal and Mr. Taylor stopped and located a patient whom they ordered to come down. I pushed on however to get off my sore toe as soon as possible. After we got in I skinned the fly catcher and in the afternoon the pigeon, which was a devilish job as all pigeons are. However I got him done finally and in pretty good shape. In the meantime Hal worked over a Duiker skin hide which the boys had skinned in our absence leaving most of the meat on and then letting it dry near the fire. It was pretty miserable. 






Loring Whitman, “The Harvard African Expedition, Book 2: October 3, 1926,” A Liberian Journey: History, Memory, and the Making of a Nation, accessed May 15, 2024,