The Harvard African Expedition, Book 2: September 21, 1926


Loring Whitman




Tues Sept 21st

            In the A.M. Dr. Allen and I set to work cleaning up the black Duiker skinning his ears, eyes, lips etc. And getting all excess meat off the skin. It was a slow job and before I got them I had blisters on the back of 2 fingers where the salty scissors chafed. When this was finished I returned to my job of packing which occupied me until lunch. In the after noon I went out with Dr. Bequaert to photograph the breeding place of a certain fly – [Samoulium damroschi (?)] which some think transit Filaria of sorts. The reason for our interest was the finding of a filarial in the fly sun caught biting us. They breed at the edges of rivers the larvae and pupae being attached to the leaves of water plants under water. On my way back to camp I took a picture of a birds nest which Dr. Allen and I found several days ago. When I got back to camp I found some birds Dr. Allen had got and helped him skin them until time for supper. In the evening I developed 200 ft of movies etc. 






Loring Whitman, “The Harvard African Expedition, Book 2: September 21, 1926,” A Liberian Journey: History, Memory, and the Making of a Nation, accessed May 18, 2024,