The Harvard African Expedition Book 1: September 7, 1926


Loring Whitman




                  Wed Sept 7th. I spent most of the A.M. skinning a flycatcher which Dr. Allen shot yesterday. Just as I would get a leg skinned some picture would come in or I would be called to look at some slide under a microscope etc. Then a 7’3” green tree cobra came in and I was asked to take a detail photo of his head. So it did take a whole morning. In the afternoon I wrote up about a week of diary and continued pictures.

                  We bought a damned cute monkey – Johanna as it could not be John II. – which is the most friendly trusting animal I have ever seen. She sits in your lap and goes to sleep like a baby cuddling down into the crotch of the elbow.

                  About 400 our hunters brought in a black Duiker which Hal, Dr. Allen & I skinned in very short order. It is our first success with native hunters and is our first Duiker.

                  In the evening more photography this time with Dave.






Loring Whitman, “The Harvard African Expedition Book 1: September 7, 1926,” A Liberian Journey: History, Memory, and the Making of a Nation, accessed May 18, 2024,