Richard Pearson Strong Diary: June 23, 1926


Richard Pearson Strong




June 23rd found us all on board the S. S. Wadai, Woermann Line, with some ten tons of supplies and ammunition on board. I believe we are completely equipped. The men are all in excellent spirits and enthusiastic. They are as fine a group of men as I believe it is possible to get together for work of this nature and I am indeed blessed in having them. The first night out at dinner they presented me with a Harvard flag and an American flag for my tent and with a letter which read: “In appreciation of the good fortune which has brought us under your leadership we wish to present this humble symbol of our united purpose.” This was signed by each member of the expedition. I was naturally much touched and felt that the occasion demanded some champagne which, needless to say, they all seemed to enjoy. I find my days are fully taken up on shipboard with much writing and some reading and conferences. It seems strange to be on a German ship and to have at times to speak German. The Germans all seem to be making a very special effort to be pleasant. We are nearing the Canary Isles and will stop at Teneriffe and Los Palmas tomorrow. We are having wonderfully fine weather.




Richard Pearson Strong, “Richard Pearson Strong Diary: June 23, 1926,” A Liberian Journey: History, Memory, and the Making of a Nation, accessed April 29, 2024,