Chief Suah Koko: A Historic Figure

Importance of Chief Suah Koko in Liberian history

Elders  discusse Chief Suah Koko

Chief Suah Koko's role in the expansion of Liberia.

The Kingdom of Chief Suah Koko was a gateway to the northwestern and northeastern parts of  hinterland Liberia. As indicated by Dr. Joseph Saye Guannu, Liberian historian, Chief Suah Koko, seeking peace after many battles, voluntarily gave her territory to the Liberian government. The Liberian government built a military barrack in Sergeant Kollile Ta (Town) or SKT, a town about two mile to the north of present day Suakoko Town. The position of SKT military barrack was useful in conquering Upper Bong, Lofa and Nimba counties.